How's my small promo for - The Lover's Workshop - doing?

The Lover's Workshop - 9.45pm Sunday 16th April    (doing very nicely thank you very much)

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,577 Free in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Free in Kindle Store)

The Lover's Workshop - 2.30am Monday 17th April

The Lover's Workshop - 4.30am Monday 17th April

The Lover's Workshop - 2.55pm Monday 17th April

                                Ended the free promo early - put it to 99 cents

        Waiting to find out where it slots into the paid rankings - No promo done for paid

FREE 16th and 17th April - The Emergency Hotline

Two small promotions starting today, Sunday 16th April and free on Mon 17th April. The same two books will be available for 99 cents on 18th to 20th of April

The Emergency Hotline (click the link below)


The Lover's Workshop (Book 1 in the 'Dear Roz' Romantic Comedy Serial (click the link below)


The Lover's Workshop was part of the successful 'Dear Roz' Romantic Comedy Serial that had already been promoted, so I have only given it a small promo.

The Emergency Hotline, on the other hand, has never been promoted even though it was available on Amazon. I used a couple of small ($10) paid promos to test the water. I'll monitor it's headway here. Right now, it is languishing at this stage in its career...... NOWHERE to be seen (I love it) Stay tuned.

The Emergency Hotline 8.45am Sunday 16th April

Amazon Best Sellers Rank #12,252 Free in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Free in Kindle Store)

    The Emergency Hotline 4.45pm Sunday 16th April

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #2,511 Free in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Free in Kindle Store)
                #34 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > Two hours or more (65-100 pages) > Romance                     #36 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Humor & Satire > General Humor

    The Emergency Hotline 7.00pm Sunday 16th April

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,764 Free in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Free in Kindle Store)

    The Emergency Hotline 7.45pm Sunday 16th April   (creeping up there)

    The Emergency Hotline 9.20pm Sunday 16th April

    The Emergency Hotline 2.30am Monday 17th April

    The Emergency Hotline 4.15am Monday 17th April

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,225 Free in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Free in Kindle Store)

    The Emergency Hotline 2.55pm Monday 17th April

                               Ended the free promo early - put it to 99 cents

 Waiting to find out where it slots into the paid rankings - Small ($10) promo done for paid

Damn! Amazon dropped 'The Lover's Workshop' to the requested 99 cents almost right away, but still haven't done the same for 'The Emergency Hotline' which is being promoted as a 99 cent ebook from 18th through 20th. Is my luck lousy, or what?

Well, I lost a full day of promotion, but my book is now set for 99 cents. It showed up here at 12.50pm Tuesday

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #88,206 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

5.00pm and heading entirely in the wrong direction

 Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #113,867 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)


Apologies - Wrong teaser posted for The Emergency Hotline - correction made + a free sample

My apologies. You must have been wondering what the heck was going on. Somehow I managed to post the book cover for The Lover's Workshop followed by its blurb and followed THAT with an excerpt from The Emergency Hotline. I only just noticed my booboo. (Honestly, I thought the mushrooms were legit)

As my way of saying 'sorry,' here is the first draft of an unfinished chapter destined to be included in a YA (young adult) novella currently underway (as are several others) The story will be called The Idiot Savant of Dating. Half of the book features the relationship between two girls. The other half involves street-smart Dave taking clueless Ted under his wing, in this case, explaining men's shortcomings.

Degree of attachment   -    Idiot Savant of Dating

Scenario Dave puts to Ted:
       "You're in a hospital waiting room. The only other people in there are a woman and her baby. The baby's crying. Your first emotion?"
       "Poor kid."
       "Kid cries for more than a few minutes?"
       "Which factors would alter your reaction?"
       "If the kid was family."
       "You'd be more sympathetic?"
A nod.
       "There is one other scenario where the child is not family, but you'd still be sympathetic, isn't there?"
A shake of the head. "I doubt it."
       "No? What if you found the mother attractive?"
Ted turned his head to meet Dave's gaze. He opened his mouth, but Dave stopped him.
       "You're about to bluff. Don't bluff, just tell the truth."
Ted opened his mouth again.
Dave dropped his chin toward his head and made eye contact with his friend.
       "Alright. Yes. If I found the mother attractive, I'd more than likely be sympathetic toward her, okay?"
       "But you know you have no chance with the woman. The odds are she's happily married, has just given birth to an heir for her husband. Nothing can come of it... so why does she deserve more sympathy than say a less attractive woman in which you have no interest?"
Ted let go of a deep sigh. "Because I'm disgusting?"
       "While that may be true, the real reason is that all males are hard-wired to conquer and procreate. The instinct is so strong, it overrides common sense and even reason. If just one percent of you thought you had a chance with the attractive woman, you would still show concern toward her and her child that you wouldn't toward a woman you were not attracted to. It's our curse."
       "Why a curse? Why not simply describe it as a male urge."
       "Because, Ted. As men, our sworn duty is to protect women. Protect them whether they're short or tall, black or white, attractive to us or not... but our raging hormones let us down, make our thoughts more or less impure."
       "You mean sexually oriented instead of a more appropriate response?"
Dave sat back in his seat and stared straight ahead. "Exactly. Our base desires will always try to take over from rational thinking. Like I said, it's a curse all men bear."
       "What if you're gay?" The look on Ted's face suggested he had found a loophole in Dave's argument. For his part, Dave said nothing but merely stared at his friend.
Ted wagged a finger in Dave's face and in an effeminate voice, said, "Bitch, you need to keep that child quiet. He's playing havoc with my sinus. Migraine alert!"
Dave grinned, despite himself. "Stereotype Ted. Not good."
Ted grinned straight back. "Did I ever mention my cousin Drake is gay?"
       "Your Aunt Edna's son?"
Ted nodded. "He's my partner when we're on the pool table trying to hustle some cash."
       "I've seen him play," Dave replied. "He's good."
Ted chuckled. "Nobody realizes just how good. His mannerisms at the table make him look like a dufus. It's all an act."
Dave nudged his friend. "Why don't you partner with me?"
       "For the simple reason, on a pool table, Drake acts like a dufus, but you are one."
A huge grin split Dave's features. "Whose turn is it to buy the beer?"


Weird and wonderful - The Laird of Bahscot

The Laird of Bahscot - (free 17th -18TH April)

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #10,907 Free in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Free in Kindle Store)


The Emergency Hotline is FREE on Amazon on the 16th and 17th April - Take advantage

Hi, everybody. I'm doing a FREE promo of two of my books on the 16th and 17th of April. The main one I'm promoting (never been promoted prior to this) is The Emergency Hotline, the description and teaser for which can be found below. The smaller promo is for the 1st book in the Dear Roz serial, The Lover's Workshop.

Both will be free on those two days and then offered for 99 cents for the next three days.

The Emergency Hotline

Teaser for The Emergency Hotline

Chapter 4 – The Stripper’s Epiphany

Present time   

So, here he was, back in real time, relaxing in Steve's swivel chair and pondering his dilemma. It was Calvin's turn to man the office phone line. The day had been pretty quiet, according to Bob. Apparently Steve's business number was one digit removed from a psychic hotline. Bob had been honest in redirecting the first caller, but less so with the second. Somewhere in Chicago, a certain Mary Fields was now expecting a massive cash windfall from an unknown ailing uncle. When Calvin asked Bob if he felt guilty at the deceit, instead of being ashamed of his actions, Bob was considering going into the psychic business himself. Finding no flaw in Bob's reasoning, Calvin saw him to the door and reminded him to set his alarm for the next shift.
Calvin fed the fish, and wandered around the office, pondering his problem. What if Steve had located his mother, and was already on his way back right now? He needed something to occupy his mind until the first call came in. Alexis. He strolled across to the desk and opened up the drawer containing the lewd and lascivious photos of his favorite model. Holy crap! Page forty-two had been ripped out. He would have words with dear old Bob. The sound of the doorbell cut through his thoughts. It can't be Steve. Please let it not be Steve. Steve would have called first. Of course he would. Calvin took a deep breath and opened the door. Janet stood before him, her face beaming. His first thought was that Mike had indeed been in contact with her, despite getting no help from him.
"We should get married." Such a simple four-word sentence.
"What! Are you insane?" replied Calvin.
Janet brushed past him and made straight for the swivel chair.
"Why don't you come on in?" Calvin said.
"It took me a while to figure out that you had the hots for me. You disguised it well."
"Not well enough, apparently."
"I read an article this morning," she said.
"You can read?"
"You have a caustic sense of humor. I like that."
"What did this article say?"
"It stated that there were no coincidences in life. All things happen for a reason and the people and events that happen, all have a purpose. It's just a case of connecting the dots."
"What if you connect the dots in the wrong order?"
"That's the beauty of it," she replied. "There is no wrong order, only different routes to the same end. Calvin, if you had to use one word, and one word only, to describe me, what would it be?"
"Bipolar," said Calvin, without a second’s hesitation.
"Do you see how things work, Calvin? Yesterday, I would have slapped the shit out of you for making such a remark, but after reading that article…"
This line of reasoning had Calvin flummoxed. Insults were attractive to this lunatic. He had to tread lightly.
"Oh!" Janet exclaimed, "Is this your favorite reading material?"
She was holding up Calvin's dubious magazine.
"It's not mine."
Janet turned it over. "Then why does it have, 'Do not touch - Calvin' written on the back?"
"Okay, it's mine."
"It's okay to read porn, Calvin. I'm a stripper for goodness sake. I understand the needs of men better than most wives."
"Fine. Tell me then, which one of the dots does that magazine represent? None, am I right?"
Janet started flicking through the magazine, and stopped. "Well, well." She glanced up at Calvin. "I think we might have found a clue."
"Clue? What sort of clue?"
"Page forty-two is missing."
"I can explain that."
"Calvin, no explanation is necessary. Can't you see that?"
"As a matter of fact, I can't. I think you're getting a hold of the wrong end of the stick."
"Stick being code for penis?"
"There is no code, Janet. There are no dots."
"Let me spell it out for you, Calvin. Page forty-two. Alexis. We look alike. We could be sisters. You're using her to fantasize about me."
"You look nothing alike," replied a horrified Calvin, the very thought alien to him. "She's gorgeous, you're… tall. She's voluptuous, you're… tall. She's tanned, you're as white as a new pair of men’s boxer shorts."
"Strange you should think of underwear when describing me. If you want to prove me wrong, produce the page that was ripped out. Do that and I'll believe that you were right and I was wrong."
Calvin raised his hands in defeat. "I don't have it here… but I think I know where it is."
"Let me tell you why it's not here, Calvin. It's not here because you have it hidden somewhere in your bedroom. I'll bet you bring it out every night."
Calvin offered no denial, and merely shrugged. She had him there.
"I have to go," she said. "Shopping for groceries and sexy underwear. What kind of figure hugging article would you like to see me in, Calvin?"
"A straightjacket, perhaps?"
"Aren't you the kinky one?" Janet slipped from the chair and sashayed her hips as she headed to the door.
"Gout?" asked Calvin, holding the door open for her.
Janet giggled, raised her forefinger to her lips, kissed it, and then transferred the red lipstick to the tip of Calvin's nose.
"Why don't you come and watch me dance? Think about it." She patted his cheek twice and  then exited the door, never looking back.
The phone rang. It was Mike.
"Listen, Calvin. I need you to forget about your therapist/client relationship bollocks and give me Janet's address, okay? I'm desperate. I know she's the one. You've got to help me. Please Calvin, I'm begging you."
"I don't know her address, Mike, but it's two blocks down from Spanky's bar, and has a red door."
"Are you telling me the truth? I thought it would take me ages to drag that information out of you. After the last time we talked, I  didn't hold out much hope."
"You caught me in a weak moment, Mike. Good luck."
Calvin replaced the phone back on its cradle without waiting for Mike's reply. He picked up his magazine and studied Alexis from every angle. "Nah!"