Fighting the Urge

I'm fighting the urge to start writing some new books. I keep a swipe file of ideas for new books. Whenever an idea pops into my head (and that seems to be all the time) I jot down the skeleton of my idea so that it can be fleshed out at a future date. One in particular has been haunting me because it would be a romantic suspense and I haven't done one of those yet. I keep saying to myself, "I'll only write the opening chapter. Just the one and no more until later." I know that's a lie... but I'm so weak.

I'm typically a 'diet and binge' writer. Feast or famine. Six thousand words in one day followed by five hundred in two weeks. I don't believe in writer's block. I'm just a lazy so-and-so. I never stare at a blank screen. If I sit down to write, I write. It's the 'butt in chair' routine that frustrates me. Here's my motto. Willpower does NOT work. Discipline does. On the other hand, why does discipline sound like punishment? You do understand my dilemma, don't you?
                                                                                                   Alex B

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