Launch Team, Street Team, Call it What You Will

Hi everybody, it’s me, Alex. At some point in September, I am going to self publish several novellas. As you may or may not know, in order for any book to gain traction, the first few days of a book launch are critical. Two factors are absolutely vital in these first few days (or ground zero as I melodramatically like to call it)

Reviews and downloads.

Reviews offer unbiased social proof that a book is worth reading… or not. A dozen or two favorable reviews allied to several hundred or several thousands of downloads in the first few days will propel a book into Amazon’s line of sight. If enough books (free or $0.99) are downloaded, Amazon will throw its weight behind the book, almost ensuring its success.

This is where those who have enjoyed my free books come in.

If you would like to receive a free advance copy of every book I ever publish… then I would love to have you join my launch team. All I ask in return is for you to take a couple of minutes out of your valuable time to leave an honest review of whatever book I finish writing, and send your way. You would have access to me that the public at large would not enjoy. Perhaps a private FB group. Email correspondence for sure (let me know which books you liked and which you didn’t, and why) Beta reading my raw manuscripts and offering your insight would be welcome. I want us to be family.

How do you join?

You could use the optin box on my website to pick up the first two novellas in my ‘Dear Roz’ series. A week or so before the trilogy goes live, you would receive it in your inbox, probably as a PDF file. Did you know that I have already finished book 4 in the series? Well, I have. I will provide a link at the end of each book which would take you directly to the review section. OR, you could simply send me a short email requesting to be a part of my launch team. Copy and paste either of these two email addresses into your email provider of choice:- 
alexbahscot@gmail.com  or alex@alexbahscotsbooks.com         
The links above are not clickable.
If you want to read my books, but not join my launch team, then that’s fabulous too. I look forward to hearing from anyone and everyone who enjoys my work. Thank you for making my time spent pecking away at the keyboard more enjoyable.
                                                                                              Alex B.

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